I have recently faced homelessness due to an illegal eviction from my previous landlord. I have been staying at a hotel with my almost 2 year old daughter for the last 3 months up until April 27, 2021. I was working consistently for the last year until I was laid off due to my license getting suspended because of a out of state ticket(and only ticket ever) from 2018. I just moved into a new apartment and got my license back on June 5, 2021. This will allow me to return to my job for the same position after I receive my physical license copy from DMV. Until then I really need help paying for daycare for my daughter and my DMV fees so I can have stable housing and make sure my license is situated so I won’t have any problems hopping back on board with work.
I am a single mother and this has been by far the hardest experience yet with my daughter and I know that if I can get the kickstart help with my daycare and license fees then I can just focus on work and I’ll be back on track.